Never covered with shame

Never covered with shame

Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. —Psalm 34:5
If we look to creation to reflect God’s primordial glory, then that glory will shine through. If our tools are set to measure externally what we already know within, the universe will echo back to us the same sights and sounds that reverberate within. Henry David Thoreau wrote: “The question is not what you look at but what you see.” —Amos Smith, Be Still and Listen
Prayer of the Day
Holy Savior, I am tempted to be satisfied with possessions and relationships that pull me away from fellowship with you. I know in my heart that these things can never really satisfy me. My true life is only found in you. Lord don’t let me be satisfied with anything less. Amen.

Cloister Reading
Judges 6:25–27Revelation 14:1–5Matthew 19:23–30

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