Grateful for your call

Grateful for your call

Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.   Psalm 42:5b

People like Saint Paul, who spent so much time in prison, so often radiated joy. This explains why Julian of Norwich, whose family was decimated in the Black Plague, so often exuded bliss. If we’re preoccupied with outward circumstances, we can’t make any sense of these saints. —Amos Smith, Be Still and Listen

Prayer of the Day
Gracious Lord, you have called me to be your own and that is amazing—that you, the Lord and Creator of the universe has personally called me to be your child! Yet I am convicted that I often ignore this honor and go about my own business. I am sorry, Lord. Help me to stay grateful for your call on my life today. Amen.

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